URN for MIME Type

Does an official URN for the MIME type exist?

Mozilla Firefox and other applications use notations like " urn:mimetype:text/plain " or " urn:mimetype:handler:text/plain ". There are two problems with this approach:

  • No " mimetype " namespace exists according to the IANA's official registry (http://www.iana.org/assignments/urn-namespaces/). Thus, only " urn:x-mimetype " would be a valid namespace (according to RFC 3406 section 4.1).

  • The slash " / " may not be used in URNs according to RFC 2141 section 2.2. But it could be encoded to " %2F ".

  • All that considered, is there another way to represent the MIME type " text/plain " as an URN than " urn:x-mimetype:text%2Fplain "?

    [UPDATE: Thinking about it, an URI would be ok too. But I can't find no URI for MIME type neither.]


    FYI, I read the presence of / as a SHOULD NOT by RFC 2141, rather than a MUST NOT.

    For this approach I would just use the URI of the assignment, eg <http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/application/zip>. The only caveat is that not all of them dereference. If you can live with that though, you should be OK.

    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/8254.html

    上一篇: Shell命令将tar目录排除在某些文件/文件夹之外

    下一篇: URN为MIME类型