handle both mouse and touch events on touch screens

I'm writing web application which should support both mouse and touch interactions. For testing I use touch screen device with Windows 7. I've tried to sniff touch events in latest Firefox and Chrome canary and got the following results:

On touch Firefox fires touch and corresponding mouse event. Chrome fires touchstart/mousedown , touchend/mouseup pairs, but mousemove fired in very strange manner: one/two times while touchmove .

All mouse events handled as always.

Is there any way to handle mouse and touch evens simultaneously on modern touch screens? If Firefox fires a pair of touch and mouse event what happens on touchmove with mousemove in Chrome? Should I translate all mouse events to touch or vice versa? I hope to find right way to create responsive interface.

You should rather check availability of touch interface and bind events according to that.

You can do something like this:

(function () {
    if ('ontouchstart' in window) {
        window.Evt = {
            PUSH : 'touchstart',
            MOVE : 'touchmove',
            RELEASE : 'touchend'
    } else {
        window.Evt = {
            PUSH : 'mousedown',
            MOVE : 'mousemove',
            RELEASE : 'mouseup'

// and then...

document.getElementById('mydiv').addEventListener(Evt.PUSH, myStartDragHandler, false);

If you want to handle both in same time and browser does not translate well touch events into mouse events, you can catch touch events and stop them - then corresponding mouse event shouldn't be fired by browser (you won't have double events) and you can fire it yourself as mouse event or just handle it.

var mydiv = document.getElementsById('mydiv');
mydiv.addEventListener('mousemove', myMoveHandler, false);
mydiv.addEventListener('touchmove', function (e) {
    // stop touch event

    // translate to mouse event
    var clkEvt = document.createEvent('MouseEvent');
    clkEvt.initMouseEvent('mousemove', true, true, window, e.detail, 
                 e.touches[0].screenX, e.touches[0].screenY, 
                 e.touches[0].clientX, e.touches[0].clientY, 
                 false, false, false, false, 
                 0, null);

    // or just handle touch event
}, false);

You can't really predict in advance which events to listen for (eg. for all you know a USB touch screen could get plugged in after your page has loaded).

Instead, you should always listen to both the touch events and mouse events, but call preventDefault() on the touch events you handle to prevent (now redundant) mouse events from being fired for them. See http://www.html5rocks.com/en/mobile/touchandmouse/ for details.

MouseEvents and TouchEvents do not technically provide exactly the same functionality, but for most purposes , they can be used interchangeably. This solution does not favor one over the other, as the user may have both a mouse and a touch screen. Instead, it allows the user to use which ever input device they wish, as long as they wait at least five seconds before changing inputs. This solution ignores mouse pointer emulation on touchscreen devices when the screen is tapped.

var lastEvent = 3  ;
var MOUSE_EVENT = 1;
var TOUCH_EVENT = 2 ; 

element.addEventListener('touchstart', function(event)
			if (lastEvent === MOUSE_EVENT  )
				var time =  Date.now() - eventTime  ;  
				if ( time > 5000 ) 
					eventTime = Date.now() ;
					lastEvent = TOUCH_EVENT ;
					interactionStart(event) ;
				lastEvent = TOUCH_EVENT ; ;
				eventTime = Date.now() ;
				interactionStart(event)  ; 
		}) ;	

		element.addEventListener('mousedown',	function(event)
			if (lastEvent === TOUCH_EVENT  )
				var time =  Date.now() - eventTime  ;	
				if ( time > 5000 ) 
					eventTime = Date.now() ;
					lastEvent = MOUSE_EVENT ;
					interactionStart(event) ;
				lastEvent=  MOUSE_EVENT ; 
				eventTime = Date.now() ;
				interactionStart(event)  ; 
		}) ;  

function interactionStart(event) // handle interaction (touch or click ) here.
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/82552.html

上一篇: 在Android 4.3中未正确识别Elo触摸显示器

下一篇: 在触摸屏上处理鼠标和触摸事件