Java Heap Space

Android Studio 2.2.3. I've been building an APK for android with my current project with success until very recently. As far as I know, nothing was changed except a data file, and my "Build APK" step mysteriously started failing with this message in the gradle console:

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':VrSamples:Native:myproject:Projects:Android:packageDebug'.
> Java heap space

and in my "messages" window I see this error:

Error:Execution failed for task ':VrSamples:Native:myproject:Projects:Android:packageDebug'.
> Java heap space
mple, the following line, in the file, sets the maximum Java heap size to 1,024 MB:
<a href="">Read Gradle's configuration guide</a><br><a href="">Read about Java's heap size</a>

I've tried many things:

  • Reset version control to previous version I know was generating APK's fine
  • Re-clone the entire project in a new location to rule out and intermetiate files that might be pulled in with the .gitignore, to guarantee it's a fresh build
  • Rebooted my computer
  • re-installed android studio
  • Run the clean step, rebuilt, manually deleted intermediate files
  • Added org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx1024m to my file
  • increased the 1024m to 4096m
  • manually increased the -Xmx value in both Android Studiobinstudio.exe.vmoptions and the 64-bit equivalent
  • I'm puzzled as to why I'm suddenly hitting this issue now, and why I can't seem to be able to re-create the APK's I've been building without problems until recently. As far as I'm aware, I also haven't updated any libraries either.

    Would appreciate any suggestions to resolve this issue, tips on how to debug this kind of thing down the road, etc.

    I noticed that when I open the folder in my Android Studios project, and hovered over any line, it gave a warning about "unused property". That put me on the path to do another google search for "Android Studio unused property" and I found this: Unused property

    and this:

    JVM arguments gradle cannot be set in file for Android Studio 2.1.1

    The issue is that, at least for me, Windows+Android Studio seems to ignore the file in my project. You need to create one here:

    Then, as suggested in other threads such as the one linked to by @Kevin Tan above, I was able to increase the memory by adding a line such as this:

    org.gradle.jvmargs=-XX:MaxHeapSize=256m -Xmx256m

    Now I no longer hit the issue


    上一篇: 错误:无法启动守护进程

    下一篇: Java堆空间