Internet Explorer 11 doesn't enter fullscreen via Fullscreen API

I am trying to use fullscreen api. API works correctly all other browsers, but unfortunately ie11 doesn't response. I am using this code which has copied from here:

var element = $doc.documentElement;
var requestMethod = element.requestFullScreen || element.webkitRequestFullScreen || element.mozRequestFullScreen || element.msRequestFullscreen;

    if (requestMethod) 
    { // Native full screen.
    else if (requestMethod !== "undefined") 
    { // Older IE.
        console.log("window.ActiveXObject !== undefined");
        var wscript = new ActiveXObject("");

Any suggestions?

Ensure you're not using the invalid msRequestFullScreen , you need to be using the case-correct version, msRequestFullscreen . This is Microsoft specific as I think all of the other vendors made the s for the word screen uppercase.


上一篇: ColdFusion cfstatic包含所有CSS文件

下一篇: Internet Explorer 11不通过全屏API进入全屏