How to write a native Mac OS X GUI with Rust?

I'm going to write a software using Rust:

  • core written in Rust
  • native Mac OS GUI written in Rust (preferably) or other language
  • Which setup allows that? Is it possible at all?

    PS I never programmed nor with Rust nor with Cocoa/etc before.

    GUIs designed in Interface Builder work best if you use bindings, but bindings assume Objective-C. For this reason I'm writing GUI part in Objective-C and core part in Rust.

    The two can communicate via an obj-c library (article about this), but the languages are quite different, so it's a bit awkward.

    Rust can easily generate C-compatible static library which can be linked to an Objective-C program. You can even add Makefile target in Xcode to build the whole thing without leaving Xcode.


    上一篇: 从函数体内部访问函数对象的属性

    下一篇: 如何使用Rust编写本地Mac OS X GUI?