Laravel 4.2 custom Observer Event

I have a directory under my app folder named observers and I listen for various events such as created , updated , ... and I handle them ! my observer events bootstrap is in my model boot function ! for example I have User Model under models folder and I have UserObserver under observers folder! now I need to add my specific event to eloquent observer ! consider I want fire event when one column such as "enable" of my user table has changed. I know I should extend eloquent Model and add a function like userchangestate() coz I already have looked up Eloquent Model it has a function for every event ('creating' , 'created' , 'saving' , 'saved' , ....) but still I'm not sure how handle it ! thanks !

I'm assuming that my comment above is true having read the question a number of times to try and make sense of it.

I would do this by checking if an attribute is dirty (changed) during the saving event and firing a custom event if it has changed with it's new value.

In your observer class dependency inject the dispatcher (the IoC will do this for you automatically).

use IlluminateEventsDispatcher;

class UserObserver {

    protected $events;

    public function __construct(Dispatcher $dispatcher)
        $this->events = $dispatcher;

        // Set up a listener for your modified event to run a method
        // on this class
        $this->events->listen('myevent.modified', [$this, 'changeState']);

    public function saving($model)
        if ($model->isDirty(['attribute'])
            $this->events->fire('myevent.modified', [$model->attribute]);

    public function changeState($value)
        // Handle your event here

You can now listen to this event anywhere using the signature myevent.modified .

Edit Added in a listener to the constructor and pushed the event callback to the changeState method.

If you don't need an event fired you could just push the result straight through.

use IlluminateEventsDispatcher;

class UserObserver {

    protected $events;

    public function __construct(Dispatcher $dispatcher)
        $this->events = $dispatcher;

    public function saving($model)
        if ($model->isDirty(['attribute'])

    public function changeState($value)
        // Handle your event here

Thanks to David I got my answer:


use IlluminateEventsDispatcher;

class News extends Magniloquent {

    protected $fillable = [];
    public $table = 'news';

    public static function boot()

        News::observe(new NewsObserver(new Dispatcher));

And my observer is as below:

use IlluminateEventsDispatcher;

class NewsObserver
    protected $events;

    public function __construct(Dispatcher $dispatcher)
        $this->events = $dispatcher;

    public function saving($model)
        if ($model->isDirty(['publish']))

    public function changeState($value)
       //do my stuff

And this works for me!

When the publish column changes in my news table the NewsObserver::changeState() event is fired automatically.


上一篇: 将子目录添加到Laravel的测试中; 连接无法解决

下一篇: Laravel 4.2自定义观察者事件