dynamically creating div using javascript/jquery

I have two div called "answerdiv 1" & "answerdiv 2" in html.

now i want to give/create div id uniquely like "answerdiv 3" "answerdiv 4" "answerdiv 5" and so on.

Using javascript/jquery how can i append stuff in these dynamically created divs which id should be unique?

in my project user can add "n" numbers of div, there is no strict limit to it.

Help me out.

Thanks in Adv


My HTML code is:

<div id="answertextdiv">
   <textarea id="answertext" name="answertext" placeholder="Type answer here" rows="2" cols="40" tabindex="6" onBlur="exchangeLabelsanswertxt(this);"></textarea>

My JS code:

function exchangeLabelsanswertxt(element)
    var result = $(element).val();
        $("#answertextdiv").append("<label id='answertext' onClick='exchangeFieldanswertxt(this);'>"+result+"</label>");
function exchangeFieldanswertxt(element)
    var result = element.innerHTML; 
    $("#answertextdiv").append("<textarea id='answertext' name='answertext' placeholder='Type answer here' rows='2' cols='40' tabindex='6' onBlur='exchangeLabelsanswertxt(this);'>"+result+"</textarea>");

Now from above code I want to append all stuff in unique "answertextdiv" id.

If your divs are in a container like:

<div id="container">
  <div id="answerdiv 1"></div>
  <div id="answerdiv 2"></div>

you could do something like:

//Call this whenever you need a new answerdiv added
var $container = $("container");
$container.append('<div id="answerdiv ' + $container.children().length + 1 + '"></div>');

If possible, try not to use global variables...they'll eventually come back to bite you and you don't really need a global variable in this case.

You can try something like this to create divs with unique ids.


<input type="button" value="Insert Div" onClick="insertDiv()" />
<div class="container">
 <div id="answerdiv-1">This is div with id 1</div>
 <div id="answerdiv-2">This is div with id 2</div>


var i=2;
function insertDiv(){

        var d_id = i+1;

        $( "<div id='answerdiv-"+d_id+"'>This is div with id "+d_id+"</div>" ).insertAfter( "#answerdiv-"+i );



Here is the DEMO

You should keep a "global" variable in Javascript, with the number of divs created, and each time you create divs you will increment that. Example code:

<script type="text/javascript">
  var divCount = 0;

  function addDiv(parentElement, numberOfDivs) {
    for(var i = 0; i < numberOfDivs; i++) {
      var d = document.createElement("div");
      d.setAttribute("id", "answerdiv"+divCount);

And please keep in mind that jQuery is not necessary to do a lot of things in Javascript. It is just a library to help you "write less and do more".

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/83358.html

上一篇: 如何在JavaScript中打印整个HTML元素?

下一篇: 使用javascript / jquery动态创建div