How to loop through each image with the same class name?
Possible Duplicate:
jQuery to loop through elements with the same class
I am trying to loop through my images that have a class.
for(var i=0; i<sizes.length; i++){
var imageSize=sizes[i];
I have 10 images with the same class name, however, I want them to have different image size.
The loop will loop 10 times but I am not sure how to make each image has the specific imagesize
Can anyone help me with it? My brain is almost fry. Thanks so much!
$( '.image' ).each( function ( index ) {
$( this ).css( 'width', sizes[ index ] );
You could do something like this:
$('.image').each(function(i) {
But you would have to make sure that the sizes array contains the correct sizes in the same order that the images appear on the page.
链接地址:上一篇: 在DOM中访问多个具有相同名称的项目
下一篇: 如何循环使用相同类名的每个图像?