jQuery alternative for document.activeElement

What I wanted to do is figure out whenever the user is engaged with an INPUT or TEXTAREA element and set a variable flag to true... and set that flag to false immediately after the user is no longer engaged with them (ie. they've clicked out of the INPUT/TEXTAREA elements).

I used jQuery's docuemnt.ready function to add the onclick attribute to my body element and assign it to my getActive() function.

The code for the getActive() function is as follows:

function getActive()
  activeObj = document.activeElement;
  var inFocus = false;
  if (activeObj.tagName == "INPUT" || activeObj.tagName == "TEXTAREA")
     inFocus = true;

I'd really like to keep by project withing the jQuery framework, but can't seem to find a way of accomplishing the same logic above using JUST jQuery syntax.

You want the focus and blur event handlers. For example...

var inFocus = false;
$('input, textarea').focus(function() {
  inFocus = true;

$('input, textarea').blur(function() {
  inFocus = false;

I'm pretty sure that a comma will get you input OR textarea, but you get the idea if that doesn't pan out

function getActive(){
   return $(document.activeElement).is('input') || $(document.activeElement).is('textarea');


var focusItem = null; 
$('input, textarea').focus( function() { 
    focusItem = this; 
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/83592.html

上一篇: 如何用jQuery选择一个关注它的元素

下一篇: jQuery替代document.activeElement