Get the div of current scroll offset of UIWebView

I have two different HTML files, two different UIWebViews & a UISegmentControl . On segmentChanged , I had displayed the WebView by loading a HTML file. Both HTML files contains common sections only the section content is changed. Now I want to implement the functionality that, when user reads section 1.1 of first WebView & clicks Segment for loading second WebView , then the second WebView needs to scroll upto the section 1.1 which he reads in first WebView and viceversa. Also there are n number of sections. I used following javacript but it needs the parameter of current div id . But on scroll , how can I get the current visible div id . I had given the id for each div .

function pointInView(id)
    var divid = document.getElementById(id);
    return false;

Anyone please help me.

I think jquery might be able to come to your rescue.

Could you use jQuery, since it's cross-browser compatible?

Check out answer form BenM

I searched a lot to get the div id from current scroll offset but didn't get the solution for it. So I go with the other option that, stored the start & end offsets of each section in both files. So I had created one look-up table in database & stored the start & end offsets of each section in both files.

ex. When user scrolls the first webview to section 1.1 & clicks the switch to open the second webview , then I scrolled the second webview to the section 1.1 in the second file.

You don't really need a db entry for that. Just catch the click event via something like

    document.location = yourSecondFIleLocation+'?offset = ' + $('selectorDiv').detOffsetFromParentDiv(); //or get the scroll offset from the page.

and catch it on the second page either with php or jQuery to scroll to it.

Heck that is even achievable if you put in your code the paragraph marks and link correctly to them.


上一篇: 使用bookblock.js时获取当前幻灯片号码?

下一篇: 获取UIWebView的当前滚动偏移的div