How to check jQuery find return true or false?

This question already has an answer here:

  • Check if element exists in jQuery [duplicate] 8 answers

  • You couldn't use just find in if condition. You could use has or check for the length property.

    var elm = $('.parent1');
       var child3 = elm.find('.child3');

    Or simply like this

    var child3 = $('.parent1').find(".child3");
    if(child3.length > 0) {
      // child3 is present

    You can use .length property to check that element exists.

    var elem = $(".parent2").find(".child3");
        alert('Element doesnt exists')

    Alternatively, You can use .has()

    var elem = $(".parent2");
        alert('Element doesnt exists')

    Whenever you wrap a selector in $() it will always return a jQuery object that contains the array of matching elements.

    Therefore you can use the length property to test if there are matches

    var $collection = $(".parent2").find(".child3").length;
    if ($collection.length)....

    You can use other approaches also such as is()

    var #collection = $(".parent2");
    if($collection.children().is(".child3") /* returns tru if there are matches

    上一篇: 没有条件失败(jQuery)

    下一篇: 如何检查jQuery查找返回true或false?