bind value in jquery

I am using knockout js to set a span value.


<span id="spnQStreamChat" data-bind="text: $data.OnLineUserName"></span>

this is working fine and showing user name on the UI.

I am trying to get that value from js file. by using below code


this is serving result like this text: $data.OnLineUserName . I want the username assigned by me.

In UI its showing Bhagirathi but in js its showing the content present in the data-bind

how to get the Name(means: Bhagirathi) in js file

please help to solve this problem

thanks in advance


$(document).on("click", ".btn-mini", function (e) {
    try {
        var connectionId = chatHub.server.getUserConnectionId($(this).attr('data-bind').username, sessionUserName);
    catch (e) {


You can get the knockout context for element with


this will return an an object like

ko.bindingContext {$parents: Array[1], $root: ViewModel, ko: Object, $data: SomeObject, $parentContext: ko.bindingContext…}

where $data is your $data object. So to get the name you need something like


This way is more useful when you need to get $data object. Otherwise you can just get the 'text' of a span with jQuery


上一篇: 带日期填充的UI日历控件

下一篇: 在jquery中绑定值