
我知道我应该首先避免使用全局变量,因为这样会造成混淆,但是如果我使用它们,下面是使用它们的有效方法吗? (我试图调用一个独立函数中创建的变量的全局副本。)

x = somevalue

def func_A ():
   global x
   # Do things to x
   return x

def func_B():
   # Do things
   return x


第二个函数使用的x是否具有与func_a使用和修改的x的全局副本相同的值? 定义后调用函数时,命令是否重要?

如果你只想访问一个全局变量,你只需要使用它的名字。 但是,要更改其值,您需要使用global关键字。


global someVar
someVar = 55





# Here, we're creating a variable 'x', in the __main__ scope.
x = 'None!'

def func_A():
  # The below declaration lets the function know that we
  #  mean the global 'x' when we refer to that variable, not
  #  any local one

  global x
  x = 'A'
  return x

def func_B():
  # Here, we are somewhat mislead.  We're actually involving two different
  #  variables named 'x'.  One is local to func_B, the other is global.

  # By calling func_A(), we do two things: we're reassigning the value
  #  of the GLOBAL x as part of func_A, and then taking that same value
  #  since it's returned by func_A, and assigning it to a LOCAL variable
  #  named 'x'.     
  x = func_A() # look at this as: x_local = func_A()

  # Here, we're assigning the value of 'B' to the LOCAL x.
  x = 'B' # look at this as: x_local = 'B'

  return x # look at this as: return x_local

事实上,你可以重写所有的func_B与变量命名x_local ,它将相同的工作。

该命令仅与您的函数执行改变全局x值的操作的顺序相关。 因此,在我们的例子中,顺序并不重要,因为func_B调用func_A 。 在这个例子中,订单确实很重要:

def a():
  global foo
  foo = 'A'

def b():
  global foo
  foo = 'B'

print foo
# prints 'A' because a() was the last function to modify 'foo'.

请注意, global只需要修改全局对象。 您仍然可以从一个函数内部访问它们而不用声明global 。 因此,我们有:

x = 5

def access_only():
  return x
  # This returns whatever the global value of 'x' is

def modify():
  global x
  x = 'modified'
  return x
  # This function makes the global 'x' equal to 'modified', and then returns that value

def create_locally():
  x = 'local!'
  return x
  # This function creates a new local variable named 'x', and sets it as 'local',
  #  and returns that.  The global 'x' is untouched.

请注意create_locallyaccess_only之间的区别 - access_only正在访问全局x,尽管不调用global ,即使create_locally也不使用global ,它会创建一个本地副本,因为它正在分配一个值。


正如其他人所指出的那样,你需要声明一个变量global的功能,当你想要的功能,能够修改全局变量。 如果你只想访问它,那么你不需要global



d = {}
l = []
o = type("object", (object,), {})()

def valid():     # these are all valid without declaring any names global!
   d[0] = 1      # changes what's in d, but d still points to the same object
   d[0] += 1     # ditto
   d.clear()     # ditto! d is now empty but it`s still the same object!
   l.append(0)   # l is still the same list but has an additional member
   o.test = 1    # creating new attribute on o, but o is still the same object

上一篇: Python function global variables?

下一篇: Are global variables bad?