Parse Crash reporting doesn't work

I'm trying to setup Parse crash reporting on iOS, using this guide, but unfortunatly, even after several crashes, there is nothing on my dashboard.

Here is my code (i'm using sdk 1.6.3) :

     - (void)crash {
        [NSException raise:NSGenericException format:@"Everything is ok. This is just a test crash."];


     [ParseCrashReporting enable];
     [Parse setApplicationId:@"********"
     [self performSelector:@selector(crash) withObject:nil afterDelay:10.0];

I followed the troubleshooting guide:

  • Make sure you've enabled Crash Reporting in your App Delegate before you initialize Parse. DONE
  • If you're testing, make sure Xcode isn't catching the crash with the debugger. DONE
  • Build, run, stop the app, and then run it from the home screen. Crashes are sent on the next run of the app. Make sure the app isn't crashing again before it has a chance to send the crash information. If you're testing, you can ensure this by adding a delay. DONE
  • Crashes may take up to a minute to show up on the dashboard. DONE
  • Make sure you don't have any other crash reporting solutions linked to your application, as they might interfere with each other. DONE, (disable Flurry)
  • I tried on both simulator and device, as recommanded here.

    Finally, i've this message in my console:

    +[PFAnalytics trackEventually:params:]: unrecognized selector sent to class 0x10f08ac20

    Any help is highly appreciated.

    Parse must have a bug in v1.6.3 because I have downloaded v1.6.0 and it works all fine. You can download it here:

    And this is the order for enabling:

    [ParseCrashReporting enable];
    [Parse setApplicationId:kParse_AppID clientKey:kParse_ClientKey];

    This probably doesn't count as any answer but I don't have enough rep to comment.

    Have you tried enabling the crash report AFTER setting up parse with your keys? I know this was an issue for me when I was trying to enable the local datastore.

    I know it goes against the guide but weirder things have happened when I use Parse...

    Parse 1.7.3 is also busted... upgrade to 1.7.4!! !

    EDIT: DONT UPDATE TO 1.7.5 -- that seems to be busted too !!


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