sphinx autosummary with toctree also lists imported members

I use Sphinx and autosummary to produce the documentation of a Python software. It works well but the produced .rst files also list the imported functions and classes, which is not the behaviour I would like.

For example a package "packageex" with the docstring:

Package Example (:mod:`packageex`)

.. currentmodule:: packageex
.. autosummary::


would produce a file packageex.module0.rst with

Module0 (:mod:`packageex.module0`)

.. currentmodule:: packageex.module0

.. rubric:: Functions

.. autosummary::


.. rubric:: Classes

.. autosummary::


Is there a way to list only the functions and classes defined in the module (and not those imported)?

In the doc of autodoc (http://sphinx-doc.org/latest/ext/autodoc.html), there is "In an automodule directive with the members option set, only module members whose __module__ attribute is equal to the module name as given to automodule will be documented. This is to prevent documentation of imported classes or functions. Set the imported-members option if you want to prevent this behaviour and document all available members. Note that attributes from imported modules will not be documented, because attribute documentation is discovered by parsing the source file of the current module." Is it possible to get the same behaviour with autosummary?

As mentioned by mzjn, it seems to be a known strange behaviour of the extension autosummary. In order to get the wanted behaviour (ie to prevent the listing of imported objects), I have just modified the function get_members (l. 166 of sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate) like so:

def get_members(obj, typ, include_public=[], imported=False):
    items = []
    for name in dir(obj):
            obj_name = safe_getattr(obj, name)
            documenter = get_documenter(obj_name, obj)
        except AttributeError:
        if documenter.objtype == typ:
                cond = (
                    imported or 
                    obj_name.__module__ == obj.__name__
            except AttributeError:
                cond = True
            if cond:
    public = [x for x in items
              if x in include_public or not x.startswith('_')]
    return public, items
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/84126.html

上一篇: Python中Toctree的多个级别

下一篇: 带有toctree的sphinx autosummary也列出了导入的成员