How to allow read and write access to only auth users in Firebase?

I am new to Firebase and Android. Here in Android, I have one button called sign in which registers auth users in Firebase and I am creating child object in database and I want to allow access to only auth registered users.

So please help me how to change in Firebase rules to allow for only auth users.

Firebase rules are now:

  "rules": {

        ".read": true,
        ".write": true


auth users register:

Email              Providers     Created       Signed In     User UID                    Oct 4, 2016   Oct 4, 2016   PZJkEQnQZNZ

and the database:

  - groupchat
      - KTOjXlA3Zwy38er
            - "msg":"hi"
            - "name":"one"

Please help me how to solve this problem. Thanks in advance.

It's because you are not authorized to the Database, check the Rules Tab in the Realtime database

If it's

  "rules": {
   ".read": "auth != null",
   ".write":"auth != null"

This means only authorized user's can write and read the Data.

Changing to

  "rules": {
    ".read": true,

Allows anyone to write the Database

When going for Production be sure to use the first one


上一篇: Firebase:如何为不同用户提供读/写访问权限?

下一篇: 如何在Firebase中仅允许读取和写入权限的用户?