How do I correctly check for castling in chess AI?

I have a chess AI that doesn't always know if it can castle or not. The rooks and kings have move counters that only allow them to participate in a castle when the value of the move counter equals zero. A problem occurs when the move counters are zero and there are no pieces blocking the castle, but an enemy piece has the ability to block the castle from afar.

For example, imagine that you are white and you want to make a queen side castle. The move counters are zero, so your pieces have made zero moves, and your white knight, bishop, and queen are gone. The you thinks that you can castle. But you actually cannot castle because there is an enemy rook with a clear line of attack that extends all the way down to the first row where you have your white rook and white king. If you castled, the king would have to cross the black rook's line of attack. You are the AI and this situation messed you up.

Now you [the human] might know a way to make you [the AI] smarter when it comes to castling. How would you, as a programmer, fix this problem such that the AI doesn't make this mistake anymore?

Here's some more information... My board representation is int board[8][8]. I have an array that holds all possible white pieces [max 2 queens, 17 pieces total], int whitePieces[17], and array that holds all possible black pieces, int blackPieces[17]. Also, to keep track of movement, there is a moveTo[] array and a moveFrom[] array that contains, for each ply, a copy of the moving piece after it moved and before it moved. The rightmost bit of the piece integer is the y value and the 4 bit hexadecimal value one over from that is the x value. The integer piece also contains byte data representing the piece type, the piece color, the pieces location in the whitePieces array or the blackPieces array, and a movement counter that keeps track of the number of moves and is used to determine if a king or rook has moved and thus cannot castle.

Your AI should have some sort of 0-ply "threat grid" that shows where every enemy piece can move next turn. Use this info to see if the squares between the king and rook(s)the final castling location(s) are either occupied or under threat.

Had same problem long time ago (1978 - in fortran).

Aside from the tests you all ready mentioned (had select rook moved, had king move, is row between them empty) you need to insure:

The king is not currently in check.

With the code that determines if the King is in check, that same code can be use to see if a king would be in check in the 2 squares of interest. So "pretend" to move the king, 1 space at a time 2 spaces left (or right) and run the test.

2 other pedantic thoughts:
The flag that sets when a rook is "moved" also needs to be set is the rook is taken. Testing to see if a rook is in the corner is not enough as it could be another rook.

A pawn promoted to a rook and then not moved cannot be used for castling. castling on a file

Rather than 17 pieces, consider staying at 16. (You can have 0-9 queens, 0-10 rooks, 0-10 bishops, 0-8 pawns, 1 kg, etc.)

The space the rook is on or passes through may be threatened from the other side.


上一篇: Java中的棋盘实现

下一篇: 我如何正确检查国际象棋AI中的castling?