Round Robin Scheduling with arrival time and priority level

I have this Round Robin problem that I was wondering whether it was correct or not. The lower the number the higher the priority.

The Table is:

                 p0              p1           p2
Arrival Time     3ms             0ms          1ms 
Burst Time       3ms             25ms         7ms
Priority          1               7            5

With a time quantum of 5 ms.

This is my Gantt Chart:

  p1   p2   p0   p2                p1

My understanding is that if it is preemptive and using priority then if during any given time a process with a higher priority enters the ready queue and the current process has a lower priority then it is preempted. Is my chart correct?


上一篇: 如果到达时间相同,如何安排两个过程

下一篇: 循环调度,具有到达时间和优先级