Bearing using two sets of coordinates (Latitude and Longitude) in C

I have began working on an autonomous rc helicopter in c. I need help finding a way to calculate the bearing acuratley. I am using two sets of coordinates (latitude and longitude), one is the current location and the other is the destination point. I have converted the latitude and longitude into decimal format so....

40°58'19.86"N = 40.972183
74°14'52.74"W = 74.247983

Can anyone show me code in c to find the bearing or a formula i can use?

i have looked at: and when i transfer it to c, the results make no sense.

This is what i have tried:

 double x = Sin(Longitude2 - Longitude1) * Cos(Latitude2);
 double y = Cos(Latitude1) * Sin(Latitude2) - Sin(Latitude1) * Cos(Latitude2) * Cos(Longitude2 - Longitude1);
 double heading = (Atan2(x, y) % 2 * 3.14159265) (180/3.14159265);

Have you converted your coordinates from degrees to radians before calculations ?

angleRad = 3.14159265 * angleDeg / 180; And

bearing = Atan2(y, x); in that website. The bearing should be converted from rad to deg in turn:

bearing = 180 * bearing / 3.14159265; and in case of negative value eventually:

bearing = bearing + 360;

I don't know how to write this using the convention above (with "%").

Latitude1 and Longitude1 are coordinates of the observer Latitude2 and Longitude2 are coordinates of destination point.

Formulas from that website work well.

For the very small area you are considering you can assume the world is flat. If you also only need this to work locally you can pre-calculate the value of a deg lat/lon on the ground in metres (or ft)

Then simply convert the delta lat/lon into distance and do the normal trig.

To convert distance to lat/lon you can either use google earth to measure it or How to convert latitude or longitude to meters?


上一篇: 使用4个固定点进行三角测量

下一篇: 在C中使用两组坐标(经度和纬度)