Trilateration using 4 fixed points

I am trying to figure out a problem where you pretend you're a GPS unit at an unknown target location (latitude and longitude co-ordinates). I was given the data of 4 satellites (latitude and longitude co-ordinate pairs and for each pair a distance in kilometers to the target location and Delta Time). Does anyone know how to calculate the co-ordinates of the target location? I tried doing research but the math involved is way beyond me. Thanking you in advance for any help.

Here is the data:

Satellite 1
LAT  24.54653
LONG  -81.79745
HEIGHT (m)  20183000
DELTATIME (s)  0.070808428

Satellite 2
LAT  63.75088
LONG  -68.56082
HEIGHT (m)  20183000
DELTATIME (s)  0.069105305

Satellite 3
LAT  53.90460
LONG  -166.52657
HEIGHT (m)  20183000
DELTATIME (s)  0.073341842

Satellite 4
LAT  43.41038
LONG  -65.61692
HEIGHT (m)  20183000
DELTATIME (s)  0.069680227

Convert your sattelite data from their geographic coordinate system (using lat/long/height) to x/y/z, then solve the navigation equations. If you like, convert the result back to geographic coordinates. If you want to the result to be reasonably accurate, you should figure out the geodetic datum underlying your geographic coordinate system.


上一篇: 检查经度和纬度是否在一个圆圈内

下一篇: 使用4个固定点进行三角测量