Math functions for GPS coordinates

Is there any repository of math functions focused on the GPS coordinates system? (latitude, longitude)

I am looking for:

  • Distance between two points
  • Distance from point to line
  • Obtain mirror point D: Given a line from A to B and the point C, obtain the point D, which has the distance to the line as C. (on the same plane):
  • I will implement it in php, although that it's not relevant.

    These are basically normal functions...

    Have a look at .

    This site was a big help for me understanding the mathematic background of the calculations.

    I've found that PROJ.4 to be brilliant for this kind of work. It also allows you to convert between ellipsoid approximations (such as WGS84 commonly used by GPS) and a plethora of map projections. There's a simple C library for use in a program of your own.

    It's under a very liberal license.


    上一篇: 三角测量和定位点(x,y,z)

    下一篇: 用于GPS坐标的数学函数