Xyz coordinate from distance


You have two fixed points A and B with distance l between them.

You have a third point C with only known distances to A and B as a and b respectively.

You find the angle γ=angle(ACB) using the cosine rule

γ = ACOS( (a^2+b^2-l^2)/(2*a*b) )

Now you find the distance h of point C to the line AB

h = a*b*SIN(γ)/l

Lastly you find the other two angles of the triangle. The angle α has vertex A and angle β has vertex B.

α = ASIN(h/a)
β = ASIN(h/b)

You can find the coordinates of C using the distance & angle formulas you have in polar coordinates.


上一篇: 从一个点找到最接近的圆

下一篇: Xyz距离坐标