moving a point along a circular path via mouse motion (python/pygame)

The problem: move a point along a circular path with mouse input as a guide.

There are plenty of solutions online for moving a point along a circular path, namely using the center + math.sin||cos(angle) * radius equation and incrementing the angle. This doesn't work with mouse input, however; even at a fraction of the original x/y value and converted to radians your "circle" has no constant radius and the path point moves in a strange relationship to the mouse's position.

My inkling is that the path point (point on the circumference of the circle) needs to be restricted to a certain distance from the origin (an enforced radius). I also get the feeling that either y needs to be a function of x or x needs to be a function of y.

I've gone down the road of using the distance formula to check the distance from the path point to the center of the circle. The idea was to then "snap" the x and y values back by the allowed distance - true distance but that...didn't work. Namely because there's a difference between the distance between two points and the difference between two points (how I'm beginning to understand it is that the difference between two points yields a vector?). At any rate, I'm sure there's a more straightforward solution.

旋转手臂由鼠标引导 (let's...pretend the rotating arm is centered, for the sake of the illustration)

There is no need for trigonometric functions. You were on a good path by calculating the distance to the center. Imagine a vector from circle center to mouse position. The point now has to lie somewhere in the same direction as this vector, which means we can calculate its position with a simple scalar multiplication. The only thing that remains is to calculate the scalar, which is the proportion between mouse distance and circle radius:

from __future__ import division # For Python 2.7
import pygame

screen = pygame.display.set_mode((400, 400))

CENTER = (200, 200)
RADIUS = 100

satelliteCenter = (CENTER[0]+RADIUS, CENTER[1])

running = True
while running:
  for event in pygame.event.get():
    if event.type == pygame.QUIT: running = False

  mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
  vector = (mouse[0]-CENTER[0], mouse[1]-CENTER[1])
  distance = (vector[0]**2 + vector[1]**2)**0.5

  if distance > 0:
    scalar = RADIUS / distance
    satelliteCenter = (
      int(round( CENTER[0] + vector[0]*scalar )),
      int(round( CENTER[1] + vector[1]*scalar )) )

  screen.fill((152,206,231)), (71,153,192), CENTER, RADIUS), (243,79,79), satelliteCenter, 16)

您可以使用圆的x,y原点以及鼠标的x,y位置来计算鼠标和圆之间的角度: tan((y_mouse-y_circle)/(x_mouse-x_circle))然后位置(x_circle + r * cos(angle), y_circle + r * sin(angle))


上一篇: 具有未知固定点的三角测量

下一篇: 通过鼠标移动沿圆形路径移动一个点(python / pygame)