How to use CURL/CygWin to send files from local Windows machine to Server?

My goal is to upload a CouchDB document from my Windows machine to a remote server using cygwin/curl.

Here is a tutorial that shows how to do the same on a Mac:

curl -X POST -d @person.json -H "Content-Type: application/json

How can I do the same with Windows & CygWin?

After opening cygwin.

step 1 - CD into the directory that contains the file you would like to post via CURL:

cd ../
cd /cygdrive/c/Users/[put user name here]/Documents/[more directories here]/

Note: The strange part is having to go through the "cygdrive" directory.

step 2 - Use CURL to send the file:

curl -X POST -d @some_file.extension -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Replace "", "some_file.extension" and "application/json" with actual values.

Looks like you got it. Also on Windows, the single-quote ( ' ) is not allowed. Use double-quote for your JSON data and then use " for double-quotes inside the JSON.

curl -XPUT http://localhost:5984/db/doc -d "{"like": "this"}"

上一篇: CURL CouchDB复制命令

下一篇: 如何使用CURL / CygWin从本地Windows机器发送文件到服务器?