XML file with ä

I have a XML file that roughly looks like this:


I parse the file using following code:

File xmlFile = new File("file.xml");
DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
Document doc = dBuilder.parse(xmlFile)

And get the error that the entity &uuml; is referenced but not declared. What I want is that the entry is being read but not parsed in any way, I want to get the value as it is written in the file.

How do I do that?

I tried setting:


but this doesn't work.

If you can't modify your xml content (using UTF-8 the xml can contain u umlaut), you might be able to add a DTD:

<!DOCTYPE definition [
<!ENTITY uuml "&#xfc;">

If you can't modify your xml file, load the xml contents and prepend the DTD:

String dtd = "<!DOCTYPE definition [n<!ENTITY uuml '&#xfc;'>n]>n",
            contents = <load xmlFile>;
Reader reader = new StringReader(dtd + contents);
InputSource src = new InputSource(reader);
Document doc = dBuilder.parse(src);
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/85690.html

上一篇: jsp标签中的动态属性

下一篇: 带有&auml的XML文件;