POST JSON over CURL with basic authentication

I am using Curl from the command line to debug a small web api I am working on. The web api expects basic authentication and a JSON object as input (POST). Currently this basic authentications works fine:

curl -i --user validuser:70e12a10-83c7-11e0-9d78-0800200c9a65

but I also want to send a JSON object as a POST request:

curl -i --user validuser:70e12a10-83c7-11e0-9d78-0800200c9a65 -X POST -d '{"person":{"name":"bob"}}'

I'm getting a 400 Bad Request response with the above command, any ideas on how I bundle a json object in this POST request?

Try it with:

curl -i --user validuser:70e12a10-83c7-11e0-9d78-0800200c9a65 -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST -d '{"person":{"name":"bob"}}'

I've removed the json= bit in the body content.

Alternatively, this post might be helpful: How to post JSON to PHP with curl

Don't use

$person = file_get_contents("php://input");

instead use

$person = $_POST['person'];

And if you're using curl from the command-line this is the syntax for wanting to POST json data:

curl -d 'person={"name":"bob"}'

curl --request POST 
  --url http://host/api/content/ 
  --header 'authorization: Basic Esdfkjhsdft4934hdfksjdf'

上一篇: 使用HTTP cURL将JSON数据与图像文件一起发布

下一篇: 使用基本身份验证在CURL上POST JSON