防止TextIOWrapper以兼容Py2 / Py3的方式关闭GC


给定一个二进制文件,以几种不同的方式对它进行解码,以提供一个TextIOBase API。 理想情况下,这些后续文件可以传递,而不需要明确地追踪它们的寿命。



In [1]: import io

In [2]: def mangle(x):
   ...:     io.TextIOWrapper(x) # Will get GCed causing __del__ to call close

In [3]: f = io.open('example', mode='rb')

In [4]: f.closed
Out[4]: False

In [5]: mangle(f)

In [6]: f.closed
Out[6]: True


In [1]: import io

In [2]: class MyTextIOWrapper(io.TextIOWrapper):
   ...:     def __del__(self):
   ...:         print("I've been GC'ed")

In [3]: def mangle2(x):
   ...:     MyTextIOWrapper(x)

In [4]: f2 = io.open('example', mode='rb')

In [5]: f2.closed
Out[5]: False

In [6]: mangle2(f2)
I've been GC'ed

In [7]: f2.closed
Out[7]: False

但是这在Python 2中不起作用:

In [7]: class MyTextIOWrapper(io.TextIOWrapper):
   ...:     def __del__(self):
   ...:         print("I've been GC'ed")

In [8]: def mangle2(x):
   ...:     MyTextIOWrapper(x)

In [9]: f2 = io.open('example', mode='rb')

In [10]: f2.closed
Out[10]: False

In [11]: mangle2(f2)
I've been GC'ed

In [12]: f2.closed
Out[12]: True

我花了一些时间在Python源代码盯着它看起来2.7和3.4之间非常相似,所以我不明白为什么__del__继承自IOBase不是在Python 2重写(甚至在可见的dir ),但似乎仍然被执行。 Python 3完全按照预期工作。


事实证明,在Python 2.7中调用close的解构器基本上没有什么可以做的。 这被硬编码到C代码中。 相反,我们可以通过修改close ,使得它不会关闭时缓冲__del__正在发生的事情( __del__会前执行_PyIOBase_finalize在C代码给我们一个机会来改变行为close )。 这可以让GC按照预期close而不让GC关闭缓冲区。

class SaneTextIOWrapper(io.TextIOWrapper):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self._should_close_buffer = True
        super(SaneTextIOWrapper, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def __del__(self):
        # Accept the inevitability of the buffer being closed by the destructor
        # because of this line in Python 2.7:
        # https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/2.7/Modules/_io/iobase.c#L221
        self._should_close_buffer = False
        self.close()  # Actually close for Python 3 because it is an override.
                      # We can't call super because Python 2 doesn't actually
                      # have a `__del__` method for IOBase (hence this
                      # workaround). Close is idempotent so it won't matter
                      # that Python 2 will end up calling this twice

    def close(self):
        # We can't stop Python 2.7 from calling close in the deconstructor
        # so instead we can prevent the buffer from being closed with a flag.

        # Based on:
        # https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/2.7/Lib/_pyio.py#L1586
        # https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/3.4/Lib/_pyio.py#L1615
        if self.buffer is not None and not self.closed:
                if self._should_close_buffer:

我以前的解决方案使用_pyio.TextIOWrapper ,它比上面的要慢,因为它是用Python编写的,而不是C.

它涉及到简单的覆盖__del__用一个空操作,这也将在的Py2 / 3工作。

一个简单的解决方案是从函数中返回变量并将其存储在脚本范围中,以便在脚本结束或对其引用发生更改之前不会收集垃圾回收。 但是那里可能有其他优雅的解决方案。


我发现了一个更好的解决方案(相对而言),但如果任何人都能从中学习,我会留下这个答案。 (这是炫耀gc.garbage一个非常简单的方法)




我们可以做的是在析构函数中设置循环引用,这将阻止GC事件。 然后,我们可以查看gcgarbage来查找这些不可引用的对象,打破这个循环,并删除该引用。

In [1]: import io

In [2]: class MyTextIOWrapper(io.TextIOWrapper):
   ...:     def __del__(self):
   ...:         if not hasattr(self, '_cycle'):
   ...:             print "holding off GC"
   ...:             self._cycle = self
   ...:         else:
   ...:             print "getting GCed!"

In [3]: def mangle(x):
   ...:     MyTextIOWrapper(x)

In [4]: f = io.open('example', mode='rb')

In [5]: mangle(f)
holding off GC

In [6]: f.closed
Out[6]: False

In [7]: import gc

In [8]: gc.garbage
Out[8]: []

In [9]: gc.collect()
Out[9]: 34

In [10]: gc.garbage
Out[10]: [<_io.TextIOWrapper name='example' encoding='UTF-8'>]

In [11]: gc.garbage[0]._cycle=False

In [12]: del gc.garbage[0]
getting GCed!

In [13]: f.closed
Out[13]: True

实际上,这是一个非常可怕的解决方法,但它对我所提供的API可能是透明的。 尽管如此,我宁愿一个方法来覆盖__del__IOBase

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/86011.html

上一篇: Prevent TextIOWrapper from closing on GC in a Py2/Py3 compatible way

下一篇: How can I add a comment to a YAML file in Python