How to make gdb get stacktrace repeatably?

Like in

for((;;)) { 
    gdb -batch -n -ex 'set pagination off' -ex 'thread apply all bt' ffplay_g `pidof ffplay_g` >> /tmp/qq;

, but faster, without reloading GDB and symbols every time?

Backtraces need to be taken by timer, not by triggering some breakpoints.


shell sleep 1

As recommended by the comment If you want to stick with gdb, then why not script a gdb session? Your controller process can sleep for 50 ms, then wake up, send a ^C, taa bt, c, and then go back to sleep. – Jeremy W. Sherman If you want to stick with gdb, then why not script a gdb session? Your controller process can sleep for 50 ms, then wake up, send a ^C, taa bt, c, and then go back to sleep. – Jeremy W. Sherman

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use IPC::Open2;

my $init = "run";
my $command = "bt";
my $delay = 1;

my $need_int=0;

$init = shift @ARGV;
$delay = shift @ARGV;
$command = shift @ARGV;

die("Usage: '' 0.1 'bt' gdb -q /path/to/proc init_command period_seconds backtrace_command startup_argumentsn") unless $ARGV[0];

my $pid = open2(*OUT, *IN, @ARGV);

print "pid=$pidn";

print IN "set pagination offn";
print IN "$initn";

while(<OUT>) {
    if (/Starting program:/) {
    last if /(gdb)/;

sub intr() {
    kill 9, $pid;
$SIG{'INT'} = &intr;
sub spipe() {
    print "PIPE!n";
$SIG{'PIPE'} = &spipe;

if($need_int) {
    kill 2, $pid;

for(;;) {
    print IN "$commandn"; # backtrace
    print IN "cn"; # continue the program
    while(<OUT>) {
    last if /Continuing./;
    select undef, undef, undef, $delay; # sorry, nanosleep fails
    print "INTn";
    kill 2, $pid; # SIGINT to gdb to make it interrupt the program

Attach, set the breakpoint, set commands on that breakpoint that include continue , and then continue:

$ gdb attach ffplay_g
. . .
(gdb) b symbol
(gdb) comm 1
> t a a bt
> c
> end
(gdb) c

If you are asking how to have gdb break in regularly, well, you could just loop calling step and then backtrace, but you're not going to get very far very fast:

(gdb) while 1
(gdb) t a a bt
(gdb) s
(gdb) end

If you're trying to profile your process, this is the wrong way. Look into gprof or (under Mac OS/iOS) Shark.


上一篇: gdb如何重建Ctract stacktrace?

下一篇: 如何使gdb可重复获取堆栈跟踪?