Android crash reporting library (pre Froyo)

This question already has an answer here:

  • How do I obtain crash-data from my Android application? 30 answers

  • This is what you are looking for: android-remote-stacktrace It sends an email / calls a php script when your application crashes and sends the logcat output. Quite simple to use and very useful!

    Remotely log unhandled exceptions in your Android applications

    You can also try out a service done by my company just for that purpose (and a bit more) . It allows not only to get crashes, but also logs, screenshots whenever tester reports a problem. It reports it to the cloud and lets developer to browse through the sessions/logs/crashes/issue reports using a useful web panel.

    It is more targeted for testing part, but soon there will also be a production-version available. It is also cross-platform - not only Android but also iOS and soon more.

    Disclaimer: I am CTO of Polidea, company behind Apphance, co-creator of the app.

    You can also try BugSense. BugSense collects and analyzes all crash reports and gives you meaningful and visual reports. It's free, used by big applications (with more than 10.000.000 users) and it's only 1 line of code in order to integrate.

    Disclaimer: I am a co-founder


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