What is NoMethodError in rails?

I am not a newbie in rails so this is embarassing but I keep getting a nomethoderror I don't know what s happening.

this is the error


and this is my controller


find_item您正在设置@post ,而不是@item ,这使得视图无效。

This happens when there's no matching method in the instance that you're accesing in this case, in this case if you look at the show action it only does the find_item and the find_item only returns a @post instance not an @item instance.

Just change @post to @item in the controller

ActiveRecord automatically gives you getter and setter methods for the instance attributes. @item.title calls title method on the @item object. If the method is not defined on the object on which it is being called then NoMethodError exception is raised.

The error that you see when you access show is because @item instance variable is not initialized in the controller and thus not available in the view file show.html.erb , ie it is nil by default and Rails is complaining that there is no method title on the nil object(as nil object doesnt have that method, @item or @post might have it depending on whether the respective table has that column)

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/86320.html

上一篇: 我不知道为什么我的字符串无法保存值

下一篇: 什么是轨道中的NoMethodError?