Nexmo API credentials error

I am working on an sms feature by the Nexmo package. However I encountered an error which is:

Please provide Nexmo API credentials. Possible combinations: api_key + api_secret, api_key + signature_secret, private_key + application_id, api_key + api_secret + private_key + application_id, api_key + signature_secret + private_key + application_id


Though I already filled up my .env and config/nexmo.php files.

I've just created a new Laravel project using the guide from the repo and got this new error message.

>cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate (see

The repo is working fine and just my xampp perhaps is the issue.

My solution was as simple as: Follow this link: Copy the entire page and save it in a: "cacert.pem"

Then in your php.ini file insert or edit the following line: curl.cainfo = "[pathtothisfile]cacert.pem"


上一篇: 为什么`2 + x = 7`有效的Haskell?

下一篇: Nexmo API凭据错误