Flask SocketIO send message from server to room

In my app , I need the client to join a room so that it may then receive messages from my server .

Server Code

@socketio.on('join', namespace='/test')
def join(message):

    room = message['room']
    emit('my response', {'data': 'Entered the room ' + message['room']}, room=room)

@app.route('/scan/user/<int:user_id>/venue/<int:venue_id>', methods = ['POST'])
def scan_tablet_user_func(user_id, venue_id):

    room = 'venue_' + str(venue_id)
    socketio.emit('my response', {'data': json.dumps(my_info, ensure_ascii=False)}, room=room)

Client Code

$('form#join').submit(function(event) {
            socket.emit('join', {room: $('#join_room').val()});
            return false;

As soon as the webpage loads, I enter "venue_1" into the webpage form entitled "join" .

The variable room on the server side is also set to "venue_1" .

The issue is that when I call the API /scan/user/... , nothing appears on my client . However,

emit('my response', {'data': 'Entered the room ' + message['room']}, room=room)

does appear correctly.

I think that you need to supply a namespace parameter to your emit in the API call, since you have defined a namespace.

socketio.emit('my response', {'data': json.dumps(my_info, ensure_ascii=False)}, room=room, namespace='/test')

If you don't supply the namespace you will use the default one.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/86454.html

上一篇: MongoDb和NoSQL数据库比较(使用XML文档)

下一篇: Flask SocketIO将消息从服​​务器发送到空间