Looking for a fully functional Rails application using Backbone.js

Backbone.js website has some examples. But barring the first one others are not open source. I am looking for a fully functional (meaning it just works) Rails application to study. The app does not need to have too many functionalities. I looked at github and all the apps are broken in some ways.

Recently i found https://github.com/malclocke/fulcrum and it seems to be the best Rails/Backbone example but its not mentioned on the backbone website. Its also a very functional pivotal tracker clone.

I have been working on some non open source projects that use a Rails and Backbone.js stack. Both frameworks can be integrated fairly easily. Of course, it depends on how the application is setup and how you configure each framework to control more or less business logic.

To get both frameworks to play with each other:

  • Make Backbone collections and models for each Rails model
  • Route resources for each Rails model
  • Setup the URL property for the Backbone collections and models to work with your rails routes
  • Use fetch() and save() in Backbone to get and post data with Rails

  • I wrote a german language noun trainer using RAILS and backbone.js. It was done a long while ago while I was still learning but you can peek at it if you want.


    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/8646.html

    上一篇: Java实现大型稀疏矩阵的奇异值分解

    下一篇: 使用Backbone.js寻找功能完备的Rails应用程序