Laravel extend a vendor class installed from composer

Hi I am using the following package to add a different robots.txt file per environment I have on my application. However this is missing one method I am using on my application which is the crawl delay ie

Crawl-delay: 3600

Now i have the following folder from the composer install of this package:

vendor/healey/robots/src/Healey/Robots/Robots.php and this starts as so:

<?php namespace HealeyRobots;

class Robots

Now I want to be able to extend this class so i can use the method within it successfully, but obviously do not want to add the function within the vendor directory as this is undesirable. So I have created the following class:


and this has the following contents:

use HealeyRobotsRobots;
class AppRobots extends Robots {

     * Add crawl Delay to robots.txt.
     * @param string $delay
    public function crawlDelay($delay)
        $this->addLine("Crawl-delay: $delay");


Now in routes.php I have the following:

Route::get('robots.txt', function() {
    // If on the live server, serve a nice, welcoming robots.txt.
    if (App::environment() == 'production')

    } else {
        // If you're on any other server, tell everyone to go away.
    return Response::make(Robots::generate(), 200, array('Content-Type' => 'text/plain'));

Now this throws the following error:

Non-static method AppRobots::crawlDelay() should not be called statically

So i've changed the method to static as follows:

public static function crawlDelay($delay)
    $this->addLine("Crawl-delay: $delay");

However this then throws the following error:

Using $this when not in object context so I updated this to use the following method:

 * Add crawl Delay to robots.txt.
 * @param string $delay
public static function crawlDelay($delay)
    $robots = new Robots();
    $robots->addLine("Crawl-delay: $delay");

and now I get Call to undefined method HealeyRobotsRobotsFacade::addLine()

This is the RobotsFacade file (vendor/healey/robots/src/Healey/Robots/RobotsFacade.php)

<?php namespace HealeyRobots;

use IlluminateSupportFacadesFacade;

class RobotsFacade extends Facade
     * Get the registered name of the component.
     * @return string
    protected static function getFacadeAccessor() { return 'robots'; }

and this is the service provider (vendor/healey/robots/src/Healey/Robots/RobotsServiceProvider.php)

<?php namespace HealeyRobots;

use IlluminateSupportServiceProvider;

class RobotsServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
     * Indicates if loading of the provider is deferred.
     * @var bool
    protected $defer = false;

     * Bootstrap the application events.
     * @return void
    public function boot()

     * Register the service provider.
     * @return void
    public function register()
        $this->app['robots'] = $this->app->share(function($app)
            return new Robots();

            $loader = IlluminateFoundationAliasLoader::getInstance();
            $loader->alias('Robots', 'HealeyRobotsRobotsFacade');


Any ideas how I can successfuly extend this class so I can add an additional method as required?



namespace MyAppHealeyRobots;
use IlluminateSupportServiceProvider;
class CustomRobotsServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
  public function boot()

  public function register()
    $this->app['robots'] = $this->app->share(function($app)
        return new AppRobots();


namespace MyAppHealeyRobots;
use MyAppHealeyRobotsCustomRobotsServiceProvider;
use HealeyRobotsRobots as Robots;
class AppRobots extends Robots {

     * Add crawl Delay to robots.txt.
     * @param string $delay
    public static function crawlDelay($delay)
        $robot = new Robots();
        $robot->addLine("Crawl-delay: $delay");


app.php in the providers array, I have the following:


in the aliases array I have the following:

     'Robots'         => 'HealeyRobotsRobots',

However this is not adding the Crawl Delay line using this method:


Any ideas why this line isn't been written to the robots.txt route? It is reaching the method fine but not successfully adding this line.

You'll need to create your own service provider and overwrite the "robots" service there so that it uses your class, not the base one.

  • Create a service provider

    use IlluminateSupportServiceProvider;
    class CustomRobotsServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
      public function boot()
      public function register()
        $this->app['robots'] = $this->app->share(function($app)
            return new AppRobots();
  • Register service provider in your config/app.php

    'providers' => array(
       ... some other providers
  • Make sure your provider is registered after the RobotsServiceProvider so that your service overwrites the original one, not vice versa.


    上一篇: 在运行时运行编译的Java代码

    下一篇: Laravel扩展了从作曲家安装的供应商类