error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand


%include ""
section .data
 msg: db "hello world",0 
 msg2: db 13
 count: dw 13
section .text
extern printf
global CMAIN

        push ebp
        mov ebp,esp
        mov eax,msg
        mov ebx,count
        mov esi,0
        mov edi,0
        add edi,count
        dec edi

            mov eax, msg[esi]
            mov msg2[edi],eax
            inc esi
            dec edi
            loop again

            call printf

        mov esp,ebp
        pop ebp

Because those two lines are not in NASM syntax.

The mov eax, msg[esi] is almost parsed as mov eax,msg (load eax with address of msg ), but then unexpected [esi] happens instead of new line.

The mov msg2[edi],eax is hard to guess, what it is like for parser ( mov immediate,eax doesn't exist), but nothing legal either.

If you want to work with memory values, put whole address calculation inside brackets, like:

        mov eax, [msg+esi]
        mov [msg2+edi], eax

See NASM documentation - 3.3 Effective Addresses for full syntax of memory operands.


上一篇: 与GCC 5.4.0一起昂贵的跳跃

下一篇: 错误:逗号,冒号,修饰符或操作数后面的行结尾