gcc arm

I build a cross compile toolchain on OSX with: binutils-2.23.52 gcc-4.6.4 gcc-core-4.6.4 gcc-g++-4.6.4 gdb-7.6.1 gmp-4.3.2 mpc-1.0.1 mpfr-2.4.2 newlib-2.0.0 for the target EFM32 wich is a ARM Cortex-m3, so the gcc target is arm-none-eabi. All compiled fine. But making programs with this toolchain like blink.c don't actually run on the EFM32 board. I checked the blink.bin I did with a binary created with a IAR commercial toolchain delivered in the demos from energymicro, also gcc based and the they look very different internally (as expected :). So has my toolchain wrong libs/versions or is it simply a matter of gcc/ld/ar switches wrong and what would be the steps to systematicly analyse this?

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/86948.html

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