

问题是只匹配有效的罗马数字。 例如,990不是“XM”,它是“CMXC”

我为这个正则表达式的问题是,为了允许或不允许某些字符,我需要回头看看。 例如,我们需要数千和数百个。

我可以允许M {0,2} C?M(允许900,1000,1900,2000,2900和3000)。 但是,如果比赛在CM上,我不能让后面的字符是C或D(因为我已经在900)。






这指定了千分节,基本上将其限制在04000之间。 这是一个相对简单的:

   0: <empty>  matched by M{0}
1000: M        matched by M{1}
2000: MM       matched by M{2}
3000: MMM      matched by M{3}
4000: MMMM     matched by M{4}



  0: <empty>  matched by D?C{0} (with D not there)
100: C        matched by D?C{1} (with D not there)
200: CC       matched by D?C{2} (with D not there)
300: CCC      matched by D?C{3} (with D not there)
400: CD       matched by CD
500: D        matched by D?C{0} (with D there)
600: DC       matched by D?C{1} (with D there)
700: DCC      matched by D?C{2} (with D there)
800: DCCC     matched by D?C{3} (with D there)
900: CM       matched by CM



 0: <empty>  matched by L?X{0} (with L not there)
10: X        matched by L?X{1} (with L not there)
20: XX       matched by L?X{2} (with L not there)
30: XXX      matched by L?X{3} (with L not there)
40: XL       matched by XL
50: L        matched by L?X{0} (with L there)
60: LX       matched by L?X{1} (with L there)
70: LXX      matched by L?X{2} (with L there)
80: LXXX     matched by L?X{3} (with L there)
90: XC       matched by XC


这是单位部分,处理09 ,也类似于前两个部分(罗马数字,尽管他们看起来很古怪,一旦你弄清楚他们是什么,遵循一些逻辑规则):

0: <empty>  matched by V?I{0} (with V not there)
1: I        matched by V?I{1} (with V not there)
2: II       matched by V?I{2} (with V not there)
3: III      matched by V?I{3} (with V not there)
4: IV       matched by IV
5: V        matched by V?I{0} (with V there)
6: VI       matched by V?I{1} (with V there)
7: VII      matched by V?I{2} (with V there)
8: VIII     matched by V?I{3} (with V there)
9: IX       matched by IX

其实,你的前提是有缺陷的。 990 IS “XM”以及“CMXC”。

罗马人比你的三年级老师更关心“规则”。 只要加起来就没问题。 因此,“IIII”与4的“IV”一样好。998年的“IIM”完全酷。


为避免匹配空字符串,您需要重复该模式四次,并依次用1替换每个0 ,并计算VLD


在这种情况下(因为这种模式使用^$ ),您最好先检查空行,不要打扰匹配它们。 如果你使用的是单词界限,那么你就没有问题,因为没有空单词这样的事情。 (至少正则表达式并没有定义一个;不开始哲学化,我在这里务实!)

在我个人的(现实世界)案例中,我需要在单词结尾处使用匹配数字,并且我没有发现任何其他方法。 我需要清除我的纯文本文件中的脚注编号,其中诸如“红色海豹和大堡礁”等文本已被转换为the Red Seacl and the Great Barrier Reefcli 。 但我仍然遇到像Tahiti这样有效的词语的问题,而fantastic被洗进了Tahitfantasti

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/87003.html

上一篇: How do you match only valid roman numerals with a regular expression?

下一篇: Is there a version of JavaScript's String.indexOf() that allows for regular expressions?