text = 'To get to the destination follow this direction
1. First turn left and then
text text text
2. Secondly you have to some text here
some text here
For the second instruction follow the text below:
«1. some text some text some text
text text text.
2. some text some text text text text.
3. some text some text text text text.»'
我在Python中使用正则表达式,我想获得这些字符之间的所有数字“«”“»”,即1. 2和3。
test = re.findall(r'[«.*?](d+)[.*?»]', text, re.DOTALL)
patt = re.findall(r'«.*?(d+).*?»', text, re.DOTALL)
和其他许多人,但他们都没有回报我想要的东西。 我究竟做错了什么?
两种模式都只是返回数字1而没有其他数字。 2号和3号呢?
text = '''To get to the destination follow this direction
1. First turn left and then
text text text
2. Secondly you have to some text here
some text here
For the second instruction follow the text below:
«1. some text some text some text
text text text.
2. some text some text text text text.
3. some text some text text text text.»'''
print re.findall(ur"d+",re.findall(ur"«([sS]*?)»",text)[0])
print re.findall(ur"d+","n".join(re.findall(ur"«([sS]*?)»",text)))
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/87111.html上一篇: find all digits between a character in python
下一篇: Is it possible to remove a bottom border on input textfield, under the new char?