M2E Maven Plugin: Importing Maven project is throwing error in Eclipse JUNO

I have an existing project in maven which is working fine in other remote env which i dont have any access, I dont know what is the issue in my env, the same project is working in other remote env.

My Env Details are:-

Java1.7 Tomcat7.x Eclipse Juno,Build id: 20120614-1722 Plugin Details: M2E - Maven Integration for Eclipse

The below error is coming while importing the project and after selecting pom.xml.

No marketplace entries found to handle maven-compiler-plugin:2.0.2:compile in Eclipse


转到窗口>首选项> Maven安装,然后取消激活嵌入并添加自己的安装。

I would check:

  • That Eclipse Maven build settings are using a JDK and not a JRE
  • Check the actual compiler settings in the POM. Maybe the source and target should be explicitly set to 1.7.
  • It's also worth checking if this runs properly with mvn from the command line to rule out whether it is truly a Maven or IDE issue.

    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/87280.html

    上一篇: Maven Pom.xml问题

    下一篇: M2E Maven插件:导入Maven项目在Eclipse JUNO中抛出错误