What is vim recording and how can it be disabled?

I keep seeing the recording message at the bottom of my gvim 7.2 window.

What is it and how do I turn it off?

You start recording by q<letter> and you can end it by typing q again.

Recording is a really useful feature of Vim.

It records everything you type. You can then replay it simply by typing @<letter>. Record search, movement, replacement...

One of the best feature of Vim IMHO.


                           *q* *recording*
q{0-9a-zA-Z"}           Record typed characters into register {0-9a-zA-Z"}
                        (uppercase to append).  The 'q' command is disabled
                        while executing a register, and it doesn't work inside
                        a mapping.  {Vi: no recording}

q                       Stops recording.  (Implementation note: The 'q' that
                        stops recording is not stored in the register, unless
                        it was the result of a mapping)  {Vi: no recording}

@{0-9a-z".=*}           Execute the contents of register {0-9a-z".=*} [count]
                        times.  Note that register '%' (name of the current
                        file) and '#' (name of the alternate file) cannot be
                        used.  For "@=" you are prompted to enter an
                        expression.  The result of the expression is then
                        executed.  See also |@:|.  {Vi: only named registers}

It sounds like you have macro recording turned on. To shut it off, press q .

Refer to ":help recording" for further information.

Related links:

  • smr's blog: vim :: recording
  • Vi and Vim Macro Tutorial: How To Record and Play
  • 链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/8732.html

    上一篇: 如何在Vim中复制到剪贴板?

    下一篇: 什么是vim录制以及如何禁用它?