Android post to facebook wall, stream.publish broken since few days

I have a lot of apps published using the FB android sdk

All my applications that use FB stopped working since few days. This is necessarily a change or a bug from FB side, because nothing has changed in my applications, It worked for months.

The dialog that opens to post a message ("stream.publish") seems not use the param "message", the form opens but the text box is empty!

Bundle parameters = new Bundle();
parameters.putString("message", "test message");                                          
mFacebook.dialog(Example.this, "stream.publish", parameters,new SampleDialogListener());

Using debug I saw the URL with the "message" param:

The text input in the webview is emtpy!

Somebody have an idea or a workaround to fix this issue?

Had the same problem for the last few days. Looks like Facebook is deprecating the Stream API:, not sure if this has anything to do with that.

Anyway, switching to using the Graph API's 'feed' method worked for me.



上一篇: 如何在地图引脚图像上设置索引号

下一篇: Android发布到Facebook墙壁,stream.publish自几天以来破裂