How can i know my remaining Soundcloud API Limit?

I am working with Sound-Cloud API in my application for these i create some APIs. It was working fine yesterday but now its showing

error: string(47) "The requested URL responded with HTTP code 429.

I checked Sound-Cloud documentation and find HTTP Code 429 related to Too many request.

Here my concern is How i can know count of my all requests and remaning request.

Effective July 1, all requests that result in access to a playable stream are subject to a limit of 15,000 requests per any 24-hour time window. Ref


There is no way to count, how many requests are remaining or used.


  • You have to check, how many API request you have at one page? Reduce them as much as you can.

  • You can create multiple API KEYS and use them randomly.

  • You can make cache of your queries.

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    上一篇: 如何强制Sublime Text为每个选项卡缩进两个空格?

    下一篇: 我如何知道我剩余的Soundcloud API限制?