GPerfTools/pprof: what does a dashed line mean?

When you use the "--gv" option in GPerfTool's pprof command, you get a very pretty graph. Yay.

Lines are either thick, thin, dashed or solid. I figure thick/thin is based on the number of sample entries that follow that line.

But I have neither figure out nor found documentation as to what the dashed line means. Am currently going thru the pprof CODE, but frankly that's a REALLY STUPID way to figure out what it means. Thus, in addition to answering what the dashed line means, can you please point out some document that gives a legend of the pprof gv format?

This one ( must be out of date, as it has no mention of the dashed format...leading me to worry that it might be QUITE out of date.

From the code, it APPEARS that a dashed line means an inline function call. However, confirmation would be good.

DOCUMENTATION would be even better!

  if ($x[1] =~ m/(inline)/) {
    $style .= ",dashed";




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下一篇: GPerfTools / pprof:虚线是什么意思?