How to scroll up and down in sliced "screen" terminal

I just installed screen and like the idea to divide linux terminal into multiple pieces. But I can't figure out one thing: How to scroll up and down, when I'm in screen . When I'm using regular linux terminal I can achieve this with Shift + Pg Up or Shift _ Pg Dn . but unfortunatelly it doesn't work in divided terminal.

That's what I mean when saying screen and divided terminal: 在这里输入图像描述

And that's a regular termina (just in case): 在这里输入图像描述

Try control+a , then escape . After that, you should be able to move your cursor around using the arrow keys.

Press ctrl-a then [ will enter the copy mode, and you can scroll up and down like vim editor. Leave the copy mode by pressing escape .

Use CTRL + A , then Escape to enter in "Copy mode". After that, you should be able to move your cursor around using the arrow keys. To exit, press Escape again.

Another way is to do the following to use Mouse Scrollwheel:

echo 'termcapinfo xterm* ti@:te@' >> ~/.screenrc

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