jQuery mouseout on iPad

I have a jQuery code which works perfect on desktop browsers;

$("span#checkbox_err").mouseout(function () {

But the same does not trigger on the iPad (as a result the checkbox_err is displayed on screen, but never hides)

How do I trigger the mouseout event on the iPad ?

Also I'll want to avoid using any additional library just to fix this small issue..


I am testing a page on iPad and am facing some issues implementing an equivalent of mouseout behavior..

So the issue is very simple to understand; 1. On my page, there is a checkbox on click (or rather touch), I want to show an errorMsg 2. On click/touch on anything other than the errorMsg, I want to hide the errorMsg

Below is the code I have written;

         if(e.target.id != "checkbox_err")



Now the issue is when I click/touch on the checkbox, the errorMsg shows for a while and then it also hides it immediately (since target is not the errorMsg)

How do I fix this issue?


Maybe because of bubbling? It makes sense to me, the event will reach the underlying layer which is not the target. So you have to stop eventPropagation:



Hope it helps ya. Did you happen to find an alternative for mouseout? - which brought me here.

this example will surely help you ! http://jsfiddle.net/PzTcS/12/, It works well on iPad.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/8800.html

上一篇: OS X辅助功能API最小宽度

下一篇: 在iPad上的jQuery鼠标