debugging in intellij (Reloading changed classes)

i recently switched over to intellij from eclipse . While in eclipse when using debug launcher the application reloads the changed classes instantly after saving . While in intellij i found that it takes like >10 secs time after reloading changed classes, which might not be a lot but it is really annoying cause i use it so frequently , is there any otherway to achieve this

To reload changed classes

1.Do one of the following: -On the main menu, choose Run | Reload Changed Classes. -On the main menu, choose Build | Compile "class_name" to recompile an altered class during debug.
2.In the Reload Changed Classes dialog box, confirm reloading. Results are displayed in the Messages tool window.

Refer this link for detailed explanation.


1.Project >  Setting>Build,Execution,Deployment>Compiler>check build project automatically
2.CTRL+SHIFT+A find registry --Check
compiler.automake.trigger.delay=500---According to ur requirement
3.Add devtool in pom.xml`
4.Build ,If found any probelm while building ,saying some jar in not in class path.Just delete the corrupted jar
and re-build the project angain after sync with maven lib

上一篇: 警告:997:无法设置声音,错误=

下一篇: 在intellij中调试(重新加载更改的类)