Url.Action() includes unwanted parameters, trying to have more control

I have a link in a page that goes like this:

Url.Action("List", "Item", new { category = "seasons" })

The Route that matches that page also has a parentGroup and group parameters

Ex: /Seasons/Moober/Blue/1 -> /{category}/{parentGroup}/{group}/{id}

The problem is when I am on that page and use Url.Action, it adds all the missing route values even when I try to generate a link to the categories only /{category}, it will still add parentGroup and group.

I have found this post, that suggests doing it like this:

Url.Action("List", "Item", new { category = "seasons", group = "", parentGroup = "" })

But it does not work for me as it removes them from my url but adds them as parameters: /Seasons?parentGroup=Moober&group=Blue

I am using MVC3. Is there a way to force Url.Action() to use only the provided parameters or to cancel the ones I do not want?

Here are the routes.


    "ItemFromCategoryParentGroupSubGroup", // Route name
    "{category}/{parentGroup}/{group}/{id}/{language}", // URL with parameters
    new { controller = "Item", action = "Show", page = 1, language = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DefaultLanguage"] }, // Parameter defaults
        category = _validCategory,
        parentGroup = _validGroup,
        group = _validChildGroup,
        id = _validItemInChildGroup

    "ItemListFromParentGroup", // Route name
    "{category}/{parentGroup}/{group}/{language}", // URL with parameters
    new { controller = "Item", action = "List", page = 1, language = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DefaultLanguage"] }, // Parameter defaults
        category = _validCategory,
        parentGroup = _validGroup,
        group = _validChildGroup

    "ItemWithGroup", // Route name
    "{category}/{group}/{id}/{language}", // URL with parameters
    new { controller = "Item", action = "Show", page = 1, language = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DefaultLanguage"] }, // Parameter defaults
        category = _validCategory,
        group = _validGroup,
        id = _validItemInGroup

    "ItemListWithGroup", // Route name
    "{category}/{group}/{language}", // URL with parameters
    new { controller = "Item", action = "List", page = 1, language = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DefaultLanguage"] }, // Parameter defaults
        category = _validCategory,
        group = _validGroup

    "ItemListFromCategory", // Route name
    "{category}/{language}", // URL with parameters
    new { controller = "Item", action = "List", page = 1, language = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DefaultLanguage"] }, // Parameter defaults
        category = _validCategory


I have a workaround for the moment that looks like this: Url.RouteUrl("ItemListFromCategory") I am basically forcing the same route that is supposed to be matched by Url.Action("List", "Item", new { category = "seasons" }) And this time no parameters added automatically.

The problem with this is that I am forced to use named routes.

Change your routes

    "SomeRoute", // Route name
    new { 
        controller = "DefaultController", 
        action = "DefaultAction", 
        parentGroup = UrlParameter.Optional
        group = UrlParameter.Optional
        id= UrlParameter.Optional

Make parentGroup , parentGroup, group optional .

Try declaring other parameters as UrlParameter.Optional during route registration and set default value for those parameters in your action. Eg.

MyAction(string category, string group = "", parentGroup = 0)

Hope this helps.

In the end I build custom constrainsts for each routes.


I found that it gives almost full controll over whatever we wish to do with our routes.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/8806.html

上一篇: 将节点放入不应存在的分析树中

下一篇: Url.Action()包含不需要的参数,试图进行更多的控制