Selecting a default value for dependant dropdowns in AngularJS

This question already has an answer here:

  • How can I set the default value for an HTML <select> element? 18 answers

  • Assign the value for selected1 as below

    $scope.selectedd1= {
        "category_name": "Automotive",
        "category_id": "1",
        "Subcategory": [{
          "Name": "Two Wheeler",
          "ID": "1"
        }, {
          "Name": "Four Wheeler",
          "ID": "2"
        }, {
          "Name": "Heavy Moving Vehicles",
          "ID": "3"
        }, {
          "Name": "Automobile Related",
          "ID": "4"

    Modify the ng-options in the second dropdown

    <select class="home_search_select" name="d2" id="d2"
        ng-disabled="!selectedd1" ng-model="selectedd2" 
        ng-options="subcat.ID as subcat.Name for subcat in selectedd1.Subcategory track by subcat.ID">
          <option class="home_search_select" value="">Select Sub Category</option>

    To listen the changes in the dropdown use ng-change directive

    <select class="home_search_select" name="d1" 
    ng-options="cat as cat.category_name for cat  in categorydata track by cat.category_id" id="d1">
      <option ng-value="">Select Category</option>

    Note: ng-options is changed to contain the entire object

    Updated Plunker


    上一篇: 在两个<select>中默认Angular2 <option>

    下一篇: 在AngularJS中为依赖下拉列表选择默认值