Defaulting an Angular2 <option> in a <select> with two

I'd like to setup a <select> with a default <option> using HTML, and populating the rest of the <select> with two way binding to my model.


<select class="form-control" required
    <option value="">Select a product</option>
    <option *ngFor="#product of products" [value]="product">{{product}}</option>


products: string[] = [

What's happening now is my the select is binding to the model, which is:

model: Entry = new Entry();

So, there's no default value in the product property, thus the <select> binds to nothing. I mean, this is working as expected.

I'm trying to figure out how to get a default value to show up in the <select> though, and I'd like to do that without hard coding a UI value in my model and defaulting that in a new instance of my model. Does Angular 2 have a way to deal with this?


The result HTML should look like:

  <option value>Select a product</option>
  <option value="foo">Foo</option>
  <option value="bar">Bar</option>

I don't think Angular has a way to deal with this. You'll have to do some work:

<select class="form-control" required [(ngModel)]="model.product">
  <option *ngFor="#product of [defaultStr].concat(products)" 
   [value]="product === defaultStr ? null : product">
defaultStr = 'Select a product';
model = { product: null };
products: string[] = [


Since you are using NgModel to bind the selected value, you have to set the bound property to the default value initially, which is null , otherwise that option won't be selected by default:

model = { product: null };

With null , I noticed that the HTML is

<option value="null">Select a product</option>

So, you may prefer to use an empty string '' instead of null :

[value]="product === defaultStr ? '' : product"
model = { product: '' };

Then the HTML is

<option value="">Select a product</option>


<select name="Products" #Products="ngModel" [(ngModel)]="products">
  <option [ngValue]="products">-- Select product --</option>
  <option *ngFor="let p of productsList" [ngValue]="p">{{}}</option>


import {Directive, ElementRef, Input, OnInit, Output, EventEmitter, HostListener} from 'angular2/core';

 * <select [ngSelect]="'select number...'" [(ngSelectModel)]="model" >
 *    <option *ngFor="#item of ['1', '2', '3']" [value]="item">{{item}}</option>
 * </select>
    selector: '[ngSelect]'
export class DefaultOption implements OnInit
    private _el:HTMLSelectElement;

    private defaultText:string;

    private ngSelectModelChange:EventEmitter = new EventEmitter();

    private _ngSelectModel:any;

        this._el = el.nativeElement;

    public get ngSelectModel():any
        return this._ngSelectModel;

    public set ngSelectModel(value:any)
        this._ngSelectModel = value;
        if (this.ngSelectModel !== undefined)
            this._el.value = this.ngSelectModel;
            this._el.value = '';

    protected ngOnInit():any
        var element:HTMLOptionElement = document.createElement('option');
        element.text = this.defaultText;
        element.value = '';
        this._el.insertBefore(element, this._el.firstChild);

        //delayed execution
            if (this.ngSelectModel !== undefined)
                this._el.value = this.ngSelectModel;
                this._el.value = '';
        }, 0);

    @HostListener('change', ['$'])
    private onInput(value):void
        if(value !== '')

上一篇: <select>下拉默认值

下一篇: 在两个<select>中默认Angular2 <option>