Combining inheritance with the module pattern

I like the module pattern that returns constructors as described in:

However I am not sure how to inherit from an object that is implemented with this pattern. Suppose I have a parent object implemented thus...


MINE.parent = (function() { 
    // private funcs and vars here

    // Public API - constructor
    var Parent = function (coords) {
       // constructor stuff here

    // Public API - prototype
    Parent.prototype = {
       constructor: Parent,
       func1:  function ()    { ... },
       func2:  function ()    { ... }

    return Parent;

How do I define a child object that also uses the module pattern that inherits from parent in such a way that I can selectively override, for example, func2 ?

MINE.child = (function () {

  var Child = function (coords) {, arguments);    

  Child.prototype = Object.create(Parent.prototype);

  Child.prototype.constructor = Child;
  Child.prototype.func2 = function () { ... };

  return Child;


I find the solution from this blog ( cleaner. For example:

function Parent(name) {
    // Private variables here
    var myName;

    // Constructor
    myName = name;

    // Public interface
    return {
        func1: function () {alert("Parent func1. Name: " + myName); },
        func2: function () {alert("Parent func2. Name: " + myName); }

function Child(name) {
    // Private variables here
    var myName,

    // Constructor
    // Inherit
    exportObj = Parent(name + "'s father");

    // Override
    exportObj.func2 = function () {
        alert("Child func2. Name: " + name);

    // Export public interface
    return exportObj;

An example can be run here:


上一篇: 从子视图模型修改父亲的敲除可观察模式

下一篇: 将继承与模块模式结合起来